Advanced Techniques

An advanced mantra to deepen & accelerate your experience, inside & outside of Meditation.

Advance your practice with an Advanced Mantra after a year (or more) of practice. The advanced mantras create refinements in sensory perception to access more of the rich, subtleties in awareness & to deepen your meditation experiences. Meditators consistently report significant and profound changes both in and outside of meditation occurring in conjunction with the learning of advanced techniques.

  • The Advanced Technique is designed to accelerate your progress, like shifting from first to second gear (or beyond), and hook you into the elusive blissful layer we experience in our deepest meditations to habituate the mind to that layer more readily in meditation, so it can be stabilised outside of meditation.  It tends to increase subtle and deep experiences in meditation as they are correlated with that deep layer, known as ‘ritam’.  

    Regular exposure to ritam refines the senses and increases super subtle sensory perception, in and outside of meditation.  You need not consider yourself "advanced" in order to progress, a year or more of meditation qualifies you to receive your first Advanced Mantra.

    Super subtle sensory acuity enables us to increasingly detect subtle shifts occurring in the phenomenal world.  We are able to detect the future-in-the-making, the seeds of which are always in the present.  We are then less likely to be blind-sided by evolutionary shifts and find our expectations are spontaneously aligning with what is actually occurring, rather than relying on the notoriously inaccurate shoddy guesswork and speculation of the mind, or intellect.

  • Attend a private one-on-one one hour session (in person only) to receive your advanced technique. You’ll witness the gratidude ceremony, meditate & experience your advanced mantra & receive an in-depth explanation of the mechanics of the technique personally from Georgia. 

    Attend a short follow-up mantra check 1-3 days following the first session.

    Contribution: $450 (or $300 for 25 years and under). Payment via instalment is available.

  • One year of Vedic Meditation or TM practice with your original mantra, or since your last Advanced Technique.

"When I first meditated with my advanced technique I had this subtle but clear feeling it was always meant for me.  Since then I’ve had a number of insights or realisations whilst meditating and I’m left with clarification and peace regarding something that I’m experiencing in my day to day life.  It's definitely changed things for me." 

– SM

"Getting my Advanced Technique made me want to meditate more often, and for longer, and I definitely was more irregular in my practice beforehand.  It re-inspired my practice and it feels really good to have the freedom to meditate for 30 mins if I want to."     

– RS