Welcome to Pocket Guru:
Your Daily Dose of Conscious Wisdom
An anchor to grounding wisdom & clarity for living life in FLOW.
Delivered directly to your phone via WhatsApp Audio.
No logging in. Listen anywhere, anytime.
You’ll love PG, if this is your vibe:
Spiritual insight to fuel your journey of personal growth & transformation
Bite-sized audio nuggets of wisdom to inspire, uplift & empower you to navigate life in alignment & flow
A moment of conscious wisdom to ground you into a more present,
expanded life in flow.
Your spiritual mentor in your pocket
Orient your week around a conscious focus vs being lost in the mundane
Consistent, digestible wisdom to integrate into busy life
An accessible mentorship space where you’ll receive wisdom directly to your pocket. A consciousness mentor in your pocket. Just 15-20 mins easy listening Mon - Thurs. Simple for busy lives.
We’ll explore a conscious theme each month, to allow for deeper exploration & engagement in your own life, for a more aware, aligned life in FLOW.
I’ll be sharing with you the wisdom & tools I lean into every day.
Ask your questions (anonymously via email), or enjoy the wisdom which flows from the questions of others.
3 months’ conscious mentoring
A conscious focus for each month, explored weekly to orient your week & deepen knowledge
follow-up reminders & reflection prompts
access to conscious mentoring, real time daily wisdom notes highlighting tools & wisdom as we explore the knowledge in context to elevate, uplift & shine the light of wisdom on all areas of life (Mon - Thurs)
1 live mentoring meet-up per quarter
first release on all retreats (excluding those on waitlists)
a spiritual mentor in your pocket
What if I don’t know what to ask?
Pocket Guru is perfect for you - you'll gain so much from others' questions which will have universal application across multiple contexts.
What if I feel I’m not keeping up?
There is no keeping up. If you listened to even one wisdom note a week, it can cause a cascade of change within your life. Pocket Guru has been created with the intent to meet the need of busy lives, with no sense of overwhelm from content. Listen as and when you can, while driving, on a walk, while folding laundry. We'll take an integration break Fri-Sun which is another opportunity to listen to wisdom notes from earlier in the week if time allows.
Is this knowledge for me?
Consciousness is the baseline of our being, of existence itself. This wisdom has a sense of coming home. It lands lightly but deeply in the heart and can help to make sense of absolutely any situation with which we're faced. If you're reading this, it's for you, it can't be any other way.
What if I feel I can’t implement it all?
If you could implement it all, all at once, you'd be enlightened already. It's not Nature's way - the tree does not drop all of its leaves at once. Repeated exposure is the key - hearing pieces of wisdom repeatedly in different ways your consciousness naturally absorbs that knowledge and alchemises it into wisdom. A thought will occur to you in your day which is a new thought - 'wait, this is what I could be doing here', or 'now I see this is why I am doing this and I now know what the higher path is & can choose to take it.' Be where you are, but take the opportunities which arise to step into your highest potential. I'll be there to support you along the way.
$36 NZD per month (minimum three months’ commitment):
TOTAL $108 NZD (approx $66 USD or $101 AUD).
OUR NEXT SEASON begins April 1st, we’ll open for intake mid March. Sign up above to be kept in the loop.
We open for intake every 3 months. You’ll join us for a season, many members choose to stay inside (we have a 90% renewal rate), but you can cancel anytime.
Welcome to the fast track.
What Pocket Guru Members are saying: