The Curse of Comparison


It is human nature to compare.  It's part of the experience of separation, of being separate to the whole which causes us to compare and as such, has its root cause in fear.

I fear I'm not good enough, let me look around to find some examples of how I might not be good enough which matches & reinforces my underlying programming.  Let me look for some ways I can make myself look/feel/do better, so I can be loved.  The underlying fear is that if I'm not good enough I won't be loved, I'm not good enough as I am and so I need to do more, be more like others I admire, in order to be loved.

Whilst it's common to experience this, we have to understand its impact, in what ways it's affecting us and learn how to reduce the grip of this habit in our lives.

When we compare we are immediately taking our attention away from our own inner guidance and focusing on something external. We’re looking to see what another is doing & engaging in thinking along the lines of how they may be better than us, or how we couldn’t possibly do that/be as good as that/look as good as that.

It’s negation of self. Your own unique expression & individual flavour. Your own unique desires, gifts, your own innate value, and it essentially denies your individual role in the evolution of things. Which means it negates Self. The big Self inside - you’re essentially affirming that cosmic intelligence, which creates, maintains and sustains everything that exists, has made some kind of error when it came to the creation of you.

When we do this regularly, engage in it as a habit, it creates a constriction in the flow of your own energy, creativity and drive. You’re constantly looking elsewhere instead of focusing on what’s relevant for you right now, what creative impulse is flowing through you asking you to create, act, change, implement. You’re missing your cues and limiting your access to your own creative life force. This is the curse of comparison.

There is only one soul’s path. A unique pathway for your own river to flow. It’s own unique eddies and flows, offerings to evolution, growth & transformation cycles. There is no comparison possible between two souls because they each have their own unique path & purpose. To do so is to deny your own purpose, value & unique path.

The simple way to step out of this is to become aware. To notice what is driving a behaviour to look at what others are doing and how we respond to that. Are we simply observing and appreciating, allowing any creative inspiration that may spark within us to arise? Or, are we spending quite a lot of time thinking about/looking at what others are doing - perhaps it’s a partner, a person we admire, an influencer - and allowing that to negate our self. To limit our own capacity. To direct us away from what might be relevant right now, or what we might be being called towards. It’s simple to tell - am I feeling inspired, expansive, energised? Or am I feeling low, lethargic, unmotivated, small and contracted?

When we become aware, we can start to redirect. Redirect our attention onto ourself, the sensations arising within us to be tended to and to ask ourselves the question, what’s the next right or relevant thing for me to be doing right now? To deepen our attention within our own self and see what’s being called for. To deepen our presence in our own lane, our own life. If you practice this simple tool you’ll find you achieve a lot more, feel more energised towards your own projects and fall more in love with your own life. I invite you to dive deeper into your own river’s path & purpose and to limit the leaks as you peer across to another’s path.

Let me know what shifts for you.

With love,


If you’d like to know more about the style I practice and teach, Vedic Meditation, visit my website here or to join a free Intro talk, book here.

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