Mastering your Storyline


Each of us has a unique and pivotal role to play in the evolution of all things.  This evolution begins with ourself and flows outwards to effect change in the greater collective.  Each action has a reaction and flow on effect in the totality of consciousness. 

But so often, we are afraid of how our story is going to 'turn out', will we get the thing we so desire? We feel limited either by desiring what others have, the grass is greener effect, or by seeing examples around us where things haven't worked out, or where misery and suffering prevail.  We can cause our broad, open awareness to contract into fear when we focus on 'other people's stories' - what they achieved, what they're experiencing, what they expect us to be experiencing/doing - whether we deem these experiences 'good' or 'bad'. 

This is the nature of impressions - samskāra in sanskrit - we perceive something, it forms an impression in our consciousness and we start to expect the same thing to happen to us (perhaps a 'negative' experience), or it triggers an attachment to experience the same (a desirable experience).  For example, all the Disney movies we absorbed into our impressionable minds that begin the social conditioning that our life is 'made' when we achieve the 'happy ever after'.  There is never 'ever after' in the ever changing field of the relative, change and growth is always happening and so any relationship that has longevity will inevitably involve change, challenge and growth.  But perhaps those expectations remain from our Disney days which limit our ability to stay open and to fully appreciate and embrace what is happening, for our highest good, the great opportunities for growth and change in our own experience. 

Perhaps we were surrounded by negative mindsets, or early experiences and an impression (which brings with it a subtle expectation) that 'nothing will ever work out for us' in a particular area of life (finances, relationships, friendships, health), or we are destined to repeat the experiences of our early childhood or of our parents, a particularly impressionable time - meaning very open to deeply formed impressions in our mind and consciousness.  

When we regularly transcend the mind, and our impressions, we expand into the field of total potentiality, limitless possibilities, unbounded love.  We start rewiring consciousness.  We expand awareness to be able to see where these patterns are playing out in our lives.  We become aware of these impressions and see them for what they are - a scar we got once when we were 5 which has no bearing on our present.  We can step beyond them and create a new expectation, an expectation grounded in direct experience and knowingness of our own Self as That, the pure unbounded field of total potentiality which is always organising the best for our individual evolution, and that of the whole.  What another is experiencing is relevant for their evolution, not necessarily for ours.  Comparison is an irrelevant exercise and serves only to limit our capability for growth, acceptance and clarity of perception of our own experience.

Realise that truth, integrate that into your experience and dive deep into your own story.  Stabilise and establish your awareness in the unbounded bliss of your own Being while stepping into the next right action on your path.  Stay in your own ever expanding lane and enliven the richness of experience, unlocking your full potential and accelerating your evolution.  Forget other people's stories and you'll more readily master your own. 

Much love
Georgia x


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